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The Financial Services Agency of Japan submits amendment to cryptocurrency regulation, proposing to establish a category of “intermediary business”

The Financial Services Agency of Japan has submitted an amendment to the Payment Services Law to the National Assembly, which requires exchange operators to retain user assets domestically to prevent capital outflows in the event of bankruptcy. At the same time, the backing assets of trust-type stablecoins can include U.S. bonds with a maturity of no more than three months or time deposits that can be cancelled in the medium term, up to 50% of the issuance amount. In addition, the bill proposes to establish an intermediary business category to supervise companies that only act as transaction intermediaries to lower the compliance threshold. Previously, the Liberal Democratic Party’s Web3 Working Group had previously proposed to transfer cryptocurrency regulation to the Financial Instruments and Transactions Act (FIEA) and implement a separate tax system.(CoinDesk)

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