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FT: U.S. foundations and university endowments join the cryptocurrency boom

According to FT, U.S. foundations and university endowments are increasing their investment in cryptocurrencies. The University of Austin is raising a $5 million bitcoin fund for its $200 million endowment fund, becoming the first of its kind in the United States. Chad Thevenot, senior vice president of development at the school, said the crypto asset portfolio will be held for at least five years. The Rockefeller Foundation is also considering improving digital asset allocation after the user base is diversified. In addition, the endowment fund clients of digital asset venture capital fund Pantera Capital have increased eightfold since 2018; while Bitwise data shows that the top ten cryptocurrency indices have increased by an average annual rate of 64% in the past five years, far exceeding the 14.5% of U.S. stocks.

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