learned that according to Christine Kim’s summary of the 150th Ethereum Consensus Layer Core Developers Conference (ACDC), this meeting mainly discussed: the 30-day buffer period decision (developers decided to set aside a 30-day buffer period between the last public test network upgrade and the main network upgrade to ensure that network stakeholders have enough time to update software. Therefore, the Pectra upgrade is expected to be activated on the main network as early as April 8.) Pectra Devnet 6 will be launched on February 5. The upgrade plan schedule (The meeting discussed three upgrade schedule options. Developers prefer to complete the release of the client-side testnet on February 13 and realize the activation of the main network on April 8. At the same time, the upgrade of the main network will be announced on March 6. The final date), PeerDAS (testing is progressing smoothly, and developers plan to launch a multi-client PeerDAS testnet. Proposals for improvements to PeerDAS include generation of KZG certificates by transaction senders, which may help relieve computing pressure on verifiers and increase network scalability), verifier hardware and bandwidth requirements (developers discussed the impact of blobs on verifier hardware and bandwidth, and proposed improvements include protecting the participation of family pledgers and including ePBS in future Fusaka upgrades), Pectra upgrade review (developers recommended starting a review of EIPs planned to include Fusaka upgrades and proposing stricter planning of the scope of the proposal in future forks), Pectra security hackathon (the Ethereum Foundation will host a hackathon event for security researchers, offering rewards of up to $2 million to encourage participants to discover vulnerabilities in client implementations, etc.
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